2024 in photos

Like last year, this is at least one photo per month. It was harder to find that this year, I have lots of pet photos & utilitarian photos (like appliance parts), but fewer interesting everyday things. I did omit all Korea photos, since I have a whole separate post for that trip. I also had a big trip to Australia, but didn’t take as many photos – didn’t really do the tourist thing there (except the Koala Sanctuary, which is in the grid below).

Work-wise, I spent the year working through WordPress.org sites to redesign. The announcements are here, but I worked on roughly 10 sites; updating the look and feel and converting widgets and template functions to blocks. My favorites were probably Themes and Five for the Future. We’ve hit all the major sites now, and I hope that I can focus on iterating on some in the new year. I’d like to write more about this process too, so drop a note (mastodon, bluesky) if there’s anything you want to hear more about.

Enough work, let’s look at photos.

