
This site belongs to ryelle (sometimes known as Kelly Choyce-Dwan). It’s a place where I write about assorted development projects and sometimes my personal life.

I recently moved from Cambridge, MA to Philadelphia, PA. I’m originally from Long Island, NY, and except for one summer in eastern Washington state, I’ve lived in the northeast my entire life.

I work full-time on WordPress, specifically the “meta” side — WordPress.org, WordCamp.org, and other tools that help contributors contribute. I’m employed by Automattic, and have been since 2014. In that time I’ve also worked on VaultPress, Jetpack, WordPress.com, and WooCommerce. In Sept 2020, I was granted commit to WordPress core.

In the past I’ve been a theme developer, though I haven’t kept up with the themes I’ve published. I still tinker with theme development (I helped out with Twenty Twenty-One). Some of my theme works-in-progress can be found at my github, but I make no promises about how complete they are.

I’m passionate about accessibility, disability advocacy, and neurodiversity.