Mel & I have been talking about “doing some nature” basically all summer— whether that was going to a beach, or taking a hike, or kayaking… and it never happened. To be fair, between WordCamps and other conferences, meetups, and work, summer was pretty busy.
Now that it’s fall, and the conference circuit is slowing down (well, there’s another WordCamp this weekend…), we’re trying to do some of those things we didn’t do this summer. So we took the day and went up to the Middlesex Fells Reservation (what a trip, maybe we’ll get a car next time).
We probably hit at least 6 of the labeled trails, and 2 roads, trying to make our way from Oak Grove to the reservation headquarters at Spot Pond. It ended up being about 6 miles of walking through the woods, along rocky trails & brooks. We had lunch at the boat rental place (closed for the season, but had picnic tables) at the edge of Spot Pond. And then took a much shorter rout to a different entrance, so we could catch the bus home.

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