2023 in photos

Happy end of 2023! I’ve collected at least one photo per month this year, instead of my usual recap.

This year’s had its ups and downs. We had some family health issues pop up again, and after avoiding it so long, got covid in October. On the other hand, I also got back to traveling for work with WordCamp US and a team meetup (neither responsible for the covid), and took my sabbatical. I haven’t thought about work (much) since October, which has been nice, I guess? I’ll have a post soon with my sabbatical recap, since I go back to work next week.

Going to repeat myself again this year, since I’ve seen plenty about covid spiking this season— please do your part to keep your community safe!



  1. […] last year, this is at least one photo per month. It was harder to find that this year, I have lots of pet […]